Volksbelang Helmond

Office interior

6 Years ago Woningbouwvereniging Volksbelang was in dire straits. The Helmond organization was placed under increased supervision. After 15 years of helping to build a healthy Woonbedrijf in Eindhoven, Paul Terwisscha van Scheltinga decided to put his knowledge and skills at the service of the neighboring organization in Helmond. An organization where some 25 people work with all their might to do the best for their residents. Meanwhile, the organization was in order-but still operating in a severely outdated format.

Paul called us. He knew what we could do for Woonbedrijf at the time; a transition from multiple locations to one, in a house that would feel like a home to the 450 employees. For all those different people with all their different wishes.

We too are happy to contribute our knowledge and skills to an organization that touches the heart of a society. An organization that provides a good and affordable living environment for people who depend on it. At the same time, we also want to help a new generation of designers move forward. We teamed up with Eliska Slováková. A creative working at Sectie-C. Together with the team of Volksbelang we developed a low-budget but high quality work environment. So they can do an even better job for the people of Helmond.